Friday, June 20, 2008

Welding rods, and Mashed patatoes.

Today after the free-zone adventure came the decision. after trying to get Robert to come down to the boat and take a look at the autopilot, the call to the sea, and passing days (and passing money) is telling me its long since been time to go. I have set to work constructing my various components for my windvane. mainly a tiller system. I am quite happy how it is turning out. except that tubing material seems to be hard to find here, and i am using one inch since that is all i have on-board that i think will work.
so after hooking up the welder the process began. all went quite smoothly and the welds came out alright, some better then others. but for a first try on the rocking elusive with this welding machine i am quite pleased.
I installed a cassette player on the boat, and now i am really missing my three hundred cassettes that i left back in Panama.

To night at the Land and Sea was a cruisers put luck, everyone from all seven of us boats out here showed up.The main thing was the stir-fry. Land and Sea is a really nice place, thye got a lot of the old nick knacks hanging up, and my favorite part i think is the "Honest Bar" that is great. you can take whatever you want to drink. they are not a bar, and don't have bar tenders, nor people holding out hands to collect the cash. just set your pay in the can, or make a Tallie next to you boat name on a board. every things a dollar, and that might just be the best deal in town for a cold drink.

well that was this evening. now it time to hit the bunk.

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1 comment:

Ninab54 said...

How do you like you wind vane and tiller system? Did you do the welding yourself? The music sounds nice! Where do the mashed potatoes come in? The "bar" sounds relaxed and with a live and let live kind of attitude. I like it.